夫の上司に侵された人妻| 受权发布丨国际邮轮在中华人民共和国港口靠港补给的规定

来源:新华网 | 2024-04-26 23:55:50
新华网 | 2024-04-26 23:55:50

Title: The Plight of a Married Woman Exploited by Her Husband's Boss

In many workplaces, the boundaries between personal and professional relationships can become blurred. This scenario often leads to uncomfortable situations, especially when it involves a married woman being exploited by her husband's boss. In this article, we will delve into the distressing experiences of such an individual, examining three distinct aspects of this issue: "Initial Innocence," "Unwanted Advances," and "The Harsh Consequences." It is crucial to shed light on this topic and emphasize the need for prevention and support for those who find themselves in similar predicaments.

Paragraph 1 - Initial Innocence:
Initially, the wife finds herself oblivious to the dark intentions of her husband's boss. Naively, she assumes that their interactions are purely professional, as she accompanies her partner to office events or engagements. Oblivious to the subtle nuances and calculated gestures, she believes in the genuine connection the boss claims to have with her husband. Little does she know that behind his friendly demeanor lies a sinister motive. The husband, consumed by innocent trust in his superior, remains unaware of the ill-intentions brewing within their professional realm.

Paragraph 2 - Unwanted Advances:
As time goes on, the situation swiftly escalates, and the boss begins making unwelcome advances. These advances can come in various forms: inappropriate comments, unwanted physical contact, or prolonged one-on-one meetings. The wife, caught off guard, yearns for a way to escape these uncomfortable situations without causing harm to her relationship with her husband or jeopardizing their financial security. The fear of revealing the situation intensifies, as she realizes the power dynamics at play, leaving her feeling trapped in a vulnerable position.

Paragraph 3 - The Harsh Consequences:
As the situation continues to deteriorate, the wife faces numerous negative ramifications. Faced with emotional distress, she finds it increasingly challenging to maintain her mental well-being. The immense guilt of not disclosing these occurrences to her husband weighs heavily on her conscience and strains their relationship. Her professional growth is also stunted, as the boss's advances and manipulations hinder her career progression, causing a significant setback in her personal development. The toxic atmosphere surrounding the situation creates an overwhelming sense of powerlessness, leaving her feeling incapacitated.

The plight of a married woman exploited by her husband's boss highlights the urgent need for awareness and action regarding workplace harassment. By shedding light on this issue, we hope to encourage open conversations and support systems for those affected. It is crucial for organizations to implement comprehensive policies and training programs to prevent such instances, fostering a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees. Only through collective effort can we dismantle such distressing power dynamics and protect individuals from the potentially devastating consequences of workplace exploitation.



  第一条 为了提升国际邮轮在中华人民共和国港口靠港补给便利化水平,推动邮轮经济高质量发展,制定本规定。

  第二条 本规定所称国际邮轮,是指航行国际航线的外国籍邮轮和中华人民共和国国籍邮轮。


  第三条 国家建立健全适应国际邮轮靠港补给的制度规范,鼓励国际邮轮在中华人民共和国港口靠港补给,保护国际邮轮经营者、靠港补给物资及相关服务提供者的合法权益,营造稳定公平透明可预期的营商环境。

  第四条 国务院有关部门和有关县级以上地方人民政府应当贯彻落实党和国家路线方针政策、决策部署,坚持总体国家安全观,加强国际邮轮靠港补给工作的信息共享、协同配合、服务保障。





  第五条 国务院有关部门和有关县级以上地方人民政府结合实际情况,综合运用大数据、人工智能等技术手段对靠港补给物资实行分类管理,完善不同种类物资的通关、仓储等管理措施,推动国际邮轮物资供应保障中心建设。

  第六条 船舶供油企业应当依照国家有关规定开展保税油供应业务,提升保障供应能力,为靠港补给的国际邮轮提供便捷、高效的服务。

  第七条 港口经营人、岸电供电企业、国际邮轮经营者建立健全协作机制,完善岸电供受电设施管理、使用、维护保养制度和操作规程等,确保靠港补给的国际邮轮依照有关规定安全规范使用岸电。

  第八条 国际邮轮靠港补给物资及相关服务提供者依照有关法律法规规定和合同约定,供应国际邮轮运营所需的食品、日常生活用品、药品、医疗器械、应急救援物资、船舶备件等物资,提供相关服务。



  第九条 国际邮轮需要自中华人民共和国境内采购的药品、医疗器械,由具备药品、医疗器械经营资质的企业供应。


  第十条 国际邮轮需要自中华人民共和国境内采购的免税烟草制品,由具备免税烟草制品经营资质的企业供应。免税烟草制品经营企业应当依照国家有关规定,供应国际邮轮工作人员和旅客在国际邮轮上自用且数量合理的免税烟草制品。

  第十一条 国际邮轮停靠港口所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府在征求港口所在地城市人民政府意见的基础上,制定国际邮轮靠港补给常用低危物资清单,明确允许在本行政区域内港口补给与国际邮轮运营相关的常用低危物资种类和数量。


  第十二条 境内物资供应国际邮轮的,可以按照一般贸易方式出口或者作为进出境运输工具物料出口,并依照国家有关规定办理出口退税。


  第十三条 国际邮轮靠港补给所需物资,可以依照海关有关规定集中存放在海关特殊监管区域或者保税场所内。海关应当为相关物资仓储、分拨、转运、配送、装卸等提供便利条件。

  第十四条 除国家另有规定外,国际邮轮靠港补给境外物资的,不实行关税配额、许可证管理。


  第十五条 国际邮轮经营者、靠港补给物资及相关服务提供者不得危害中国国家安全、损害社会公共利益,在靠港补给活动中应当遵守中国法律法规;违反本规定的,依法追究法律责任。



  第十六条 本规定自2024年6月1日起施行。



编辑:苏璇 责任编辑:刘亮
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