18-May-19| 推动高质量发展·权威发布|辽宁:打造更高品质文体旅融合发展示范地

来源: 新华社
2024-04-24 03:23:50

18-May-19: A Memorial Day Tribute to the Fallen Heroes


On the radiant morning of 18th May 2019, the world came together to honor and remember the brave souls who sacrificed their lives in service to their countries. This Memorial Day served as a poignant opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to pay tribute to the fallen heroes, whose profound devotion enabled us to enjoy the freedoms we cherish today. As we reflect upon this significant day, let us delve into three crucial aspects that highlight the essence of Memorial Day: remembrance, gratitude, and commitment.

Remembrance: Honoring the Perished

The first and foremost pillar of Memorial Day is remembrance - a solemn act of evoking the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes. As the world paused on this day, heartfelt ceremonies were held across nations. Families, friends, and communities gathered at memorials, graveyards, and military cemeteries to pay respects to their loved ones. Symbolic gestures such as the laying of wreaths, playing of Taps, and the presentation of flags brought tears to the eyes of many. The hauntingly beautiful sound of bugles resonated in the air, carrying the memories of those who can no longer be with us. Through these acts of remembrance, we express our collective commitment to ensuring that the sacrifices made by these heroes remain etched in our hearts and minds for generations to come.

Gratitude: Expressing Appreciation and Empathy

The second fundamental aspect of Memorial Day lays in expressing gratitude for the bravery exhibited by our fallen heroes. These remarkable men and women answered the call of duty, knowing that it meant putting their lives at risk. It is our duty to acknowledge and appreciate their selflessness. Beyond mere words, acts of gratitude can take various forms. Volunteers offer support to veterans and their families, contributing their time and efforts in numerous ways. Communities participate in parades, concerts, and special events, serving as a unified voice of gratitude and appreciation. On Memorial Day, we are reminded to reach out to veterans in our communities, listen to their stories, and empathize with their experiences. Our gratitude must extend beyond this one day, as we recognize that their sacrifices continue to impact lives long after their service has ended.

Commitment: Pledging to Uphold their Legacy

Lastly, Memorial Day calls upon us to make a commitment to honor the fallen heroes by pledging to protect and uphold the values they fought for. Remembering their sacrifice is not simply an act of recollection; it is an active pursuit to preserve the liberties they believed in, even at great personal costs. We must strive to be worthy of their sacrifice by working towards creating a world where equality, justice, and freedom prevail. As citizens, we can engage in political processes, advocating for decisions that align with these values. By supporting institutions that aid veterans and their families, we honor both the living and the fallen. As individuals, we can embrace acts of kindness, support one another, and foster an environment that embodies the principles our heroes fought for. It is through this commitment that we ensure their legacy remains vibrant and inspiring, forever embedded in the fabric of our society.


As we bid farewell to yet another Memorial Day, let us carry the spirit of remembrance, gratitude, and commitment in our hearts throughout the year. May we always cherish the memories of our fallen heroes and honor their sacrifices. May we express our gratitude through acts of kindness and support for those who have served. And above all, may we make a lifelong commitment to upholding the values they held dear. Only then can we secure a brighter future for generations to come, where the sacrifices made on 18th May 2019 and countless other days are recognized and cherished.

  中新网4月23日电 国务院新闻办公室4月23日举行“推动高质量发展”系列主题新闻发布会,围绕“以更大担当和作为谱写辽宁全面振兴新篇章”作介绍。会上,辽宁省副省长高涛答记者问指出,辽宁既有美丽的自然风光,又有深厚的文化底蕴,更有淳朴的辽宁“老铁”。辽宁山水林田湖草沙一应俱全,各类自然景观各美其美。同时,红山文化、三燕文化、辽金文化、清前文化积淀日久,特别是有情有义的辽宁人民,正不懈努力,为海内外游客呈现一个最美的辽宁。

4月23日,中国国务院新闻办公室在北京举行“推动高质量发展”系列主题新闻发布会,辽宁省委副书记、省长李乐成,辽宁省委常委、常务副省长王健,辽宁省委常委、副省长张立林,辽宁省副省长高涛围绕“以更大担当和作为谱写辽宁全面振兴新篇章”作介绍,并答记者问。 中新社记者 杨可佳 摄





  高涛称,辽宁将借势承办“十五冬”,以“跟着赛事去旅行”为主题,丰富文体旅综合体验,让“山海有情 天辽地宁”更加深入人心,打造更高品质文体旅融合发展示范地。



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